I'm trying to add features manually to vector layer but with no luck. This is my code:
cords[0] = {
[19.1820888104, 49.6835693017],
[19.1819108957, 49.6850423191],
[19.1846518426, 49.6853635871],
[19.1864287796, 49.6845787109],
[19.1864490975, 49.6839272706],
[19.1853396287, 49.6834588915],
[19.1835425444, 49.6834155484],
[19.182316043, 49.6832563996],
[19.1820888104, 49.6835693017]}
var featurething = new ol.Feature({
geometry: new ol.geom.LineString(cords[0])
var layerV = new ol.layer.Vector({
source: new ol.source.Vector({
features: featurething
visible: true
When I check layerV object in console it looks okay (it has feature with proper geometry) but it's not displaying on map. Any idea what's wrong?