Is it possible to convert the OSM file to shapefile with GeoTools in Java?
1 Answer
No, geotools concentrates on standards based geographical data. Openstreetmap decided to invent their own incompatible format. Therefore you must use a tool written specifically for openstreetmap to convert to an interoperable format before geotools can help. You might be able to use a java library that can read openstreetmap data to write a geotools datastore but no one has bothered to yet.
OpenJUMP reads OSM data by utilizing the JOSM library. That might be reusable somehow in other Java GIS projects. Commented Aug 25, 2018 at 19:48
I use geotools to read shapefile and I use Josm to read osm data and shape file too.– MajdCommented Aug 25, 2018 at 21:06
Maybe you can find some more hints in the OSM wiki about Commented Aug 29, 2018 at 19:54