I would like to plot a map of the edges of the French departments, and the heat maps at the lower scale of the French IRIS. I read both shapefiles using GeoPandas.
And now
dep.plot(color="white", edgecolor='black')
iris.plot(column = 'ratio',cmap = 'Purples',ax=ax)
I would like to visualise the black edge colours of the departments on the IRIS plot, but when I try this
fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize = (20,16))
df.plot(column = 'ratio',cmap = 'Purples',ax=ax)
dep.plot(color=None,edgecolor='k',linewidth = 4,ax=ax)
the first figure does not appear, and is hid by the second. I have tried to use alpha, to put the colour as None, but nothing seems to work.
Any help?
in the second plot?