I'm trying to use v.distance (using QGIS 3.4) to calculate the distance in meters between a layer of water shutoff points and the boundary of the nearest building footprint polygon. Even better would be the distance to building footprint with a matching "ASSOC_SC" value (associated service connection).
I have tried many, many different combinations to try and satisfy the 'upload' section of the function parameters and I cannot for the life of me understand how exactly it works.
Do I need to create an empty column of the right data type in my 'from' layer for the chosen measurement result to go and then choose that in the "Column name of the nearest..." section? (e.g. to match cat for identifying nearest, distance for listing the actual measurement, etc.) When I do that, it does not work.
If I'm trying to measure based on a matching ID attribute, why does it ask me to select "to_attr)" in the "'upload: Values..." section and then not list any of the columns in the "Column name of the nearest..." section?
What does that "Column name of the nearest..." language actually mean?
It allows me to choose an ID column from my 'to' layer in the dropdown below but nowhere allows me to select from my 'from' layer what to match...
Has anyone made use of this function from the QGIS processing toolbox like this?
All layers are in the same CRS, etc.
is a GRASS GIS command, so look at v.distance