I'm trying to load and then stack four bands 2,3,4 and 8 RGB and NIR from Landsat images. I have downloaded and extracted them and they are in .tif format.
# loading the bands
B2 <- raster("./Data/LC08_L1TP_015053_20160413_20170223_01_T1_B2.tif")
B3 <- raster("./Data/LC08_L1TP_015053_20160413_20170223_01_T1_B3.tif")
B4 <- raster("./Data/LC08_L1TP_015053_20160413_20170223_01_T1_B4.tif")
B8 <- raster("./Data/LC08_L1TP_015053_20160413_20170223_01_T1_B8.tif")
# then I want to clip the rasters to the study site
# first I have to load the raster of the Costa Rica provinces
shape <- readOGR("./Data/gadm36_CRI_1.shp")
# Then add that projection to the shapefile
shape.proj <- spTransform(shape, CRS(proj4string(B2)))
# Combining the two provinces that I want : Heredia and Alajuela
p1 <- shape.proj[shape.proj$NAME_1=='Heredia', ]
p2 <- shape.proj[shape.proj$NAME_1=='Alajuela', ]
p2$NAME_1 <- NULL
x <- bind(p1, p2)
# Crop raster by extent of shapefile
studysiteB2 <- mask(crop(B2, x), x)
studysiteB3 <- mask(crop(B3, x), x)
studysiteB4 <- mask(crop(B4, x), x)
studysiteB8 <- mask(crop(B8, x), x)
# now stack the Bands together
image <- stack(studysiteB2,studysiteB3,studysiteB4,studysiteB8)
But then I am getting this error message
Error in compareRaster(x) : different extent
When I look at the extent of the cropped bands 2,3 and 4 all have the same extent: e.g.
class : Extent
xmin : 710385
xmax : 860325
ymin : 1087635
ymax : 1225725
But the extent of B8 cropped image is .5 more on the xmin / xmax
class : Extent
xmin : 710392.5
xmax : 860332.5
ymin : 1087628
ymax : 1225733
This is the same on the original images as well. Any ideas on why this is happening and how to solve it?
Here is a DropBox link to the images: https://www.dropbox.com/sh/fk2acf07lc9437l/AAD-DCopQxFFIwHRWAfew2PMa?dl=0