I have a Dijkstra’s algorithm. When I run this portion of my script:

graph = {}

graph["begin"] = {}

graph["begin"]["a"] = 6

graph["begin"]["b"] = 2 

graph["begin"]["c"] = 3

graph["begin"]["d"] = 1 

graph["a"] = {}

graph["a"]["c"] = 3

graph["b"] = {}

graph["b"]["a"] = 3

graph["b"]["d"] = 5

graph["d"] = {}

graph["d"]["fin"] = 1

graph["c"] = {}

graph["c"]["d"] = 1

graph["c"]["fin"] = 3

graph["fin"] = {} 

infinity = float("inf")

costs = {}

costs["a"] = 6

costs["b"] = 2

costs["c"] = infinity 

costs["d"] = infinity

costs["fin"] = infinity 

parents = {}

parents["a"] = ["begin"]

parents["b"] = ["begin"]

parents["c"] = ["begin"]

parents["d"] = ["begin"]

parents["fin"] = None 

processed = [] 

def find_lowest_cost_node(costs):

  lowest_cost = float("inf")

  lowest_cost_node = None

  for node in costs:

    cost = costs[node]

    if cost < lowest_cost and node not in processed:

      lowest_cost = cost

      lowest_cost_node = node

  return lowest_cost_node

def run_dijkstra():

  node = find_lowest_cost_node(costs)

  while node is not None:

    neighbors = graph[node]

    for neighbor in neighbors.keys():

      newcost = neighbors[neighbor] + costs[node]

      if newcost < costs[neighbor]:

        costs[neighbor] = newcost

        parents[neighbor] = node


    node = find_lowest_cost_node(costs)


  def print_path(begin, fin):
print ["cost to destination", str(costs["fin"])]

     print ["fin"]

  nextNode = parents[end]

  while nextNode != begin:

    print ["nextNode"]

    nextNode = parents[nextNode]

  print ["begin"]


print_path("begin, end")

I get this error message:

Traceback (most recent call last): File "python", line 70, in NameError: name 'print_path' is not defined

Does anyone know a decision of this problem?)

1 Answer 1


Check the alignment within the print_path(begin, end) function (possibly a copy/paste issue, but as it is it will not work)

The function declaration is print_path(begin, end), but it is called as print_path("begin, end"), so with a single string argument. Try print_path("begin", "end")

  • Also, make sure your indentations are correct after the function def statement.
    – artwork21
    Commented Nov 21, 2018 at 16:51

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