I successfully ran a function over a smaller test raster stack (48 layers) in about 30 minutes but cannot run it over my large stack (1462 layers). The last one I tried over the large stack ran from 9PM to 7AM and had not finished processing. I stopped it and tried a simpler function and I have not been able to get it to finish yet.
Large stack information: layers = 1462, total elements = 1275602310, 16.4 mb, ncols per layer = 1405, nrows per layer = 621.
# Import libraries ----
# Call the source file for the function
# Identify file path for files to stack
t_dsn <- "filepath_here"
p_dsn <- "filepath_here"
# List files to stack
t_list <- list.files(t_dsn, pattern = "tif$", full.names = TRUE)
p_list <- list.files(t_dsn, pattern = "tif$", full.names = TRUE)
# Create stacks
t<- stack(t_list)
p<- stack(t_list)
# Calculate a pixel-wise mean value through the stack
tm <-calc(t, mean)
pm <-calc(p, mean)
# Calculate a pixel-wise Nash Sutcliffe Efficiency value through the stack
nse_t <- myNSE(sim = t, obs = p, obs_mean = mp)
#Lastly, here is the function as defined in the source file
myNSE <- function(sim, obs, obs_mean){
nse <- 1 - ((sum((obs-sim)^2)) / (sum((obs-obs_mean)^2)))
The test stack and the large stack are comprised of the same exact files, just a smaller set.
The mean calculation for the test stack takes about 2 minutes.
The mean calculation for the large stack takes about 30 minutes.
The NSE calculation for the test stack takes about 2 minutes.
The NSE calculation in the large stack hangs for more than 9 hours and I have not been able to complete.
Lastly, I have successfully run all commands until I get to the NSE one. This is the one that seems to lag.
Any suggestions?