I'm using GSMaP image collection in Google Earth Engine. Below you can find a script which helps to reduce hourly data to daily data and extract in point scale. By this using this script I would like to make a time series chart, which will demonstrate precipitation events in particular location in given period. I have tried to make a chart, but it did not give me expected graph, as the Chart function is making the according to rows. Below you can also find the received graph. How can I solve this issue?
// Points
var point = /* color: #d63000 */ee.Geometry.Point([69.15, 54.8331]);
// Collection of point
var pts = ee.FeatureCollection(ee.List([ee.Feature(point)]));
// Start and End Dates
var inidate = ee.Date.fromYMD(2018,5,1)
var enddate = ee.Date.fromYMD(2018,5,10)
// Difference between start and end in days
var difdate = enddate.difference(inidate, 'day')
// Import GSMaP data
var gsmap = ee.ImageCollection('JAXA/GPM_L3/GSMaP/v6/operational')
.filterDate(inidate, enddate)
// Time lapse
var lapse = ee.List.sequence(0, difdate.subtract(1))
var inidate = ee.Date('2018-05-01')
var listdates = lapse.map(function(day){
return inidate.advance(day, 'day')
// Iterate over the list of dates
var newft = ee.FeatureCollection(listdates.iterate(function(day, ft) {
// Cast
ft = ee.FeatureCollection(ft)
day = ee.Date(day)
// Filter the collection in one day (24 images)
var day_collection = gsmap.filterDate(day, day.advance(1, 'day'))
// Get the sum of all 24 images into one Image
var sum = ee.Image(day_collection.sum())
// map over the ft to set a property over each feature
var temp_ft = ft.map(function(feat){
var geom = feat.geometry()
var value = sum.reduceRegion(ee.Reducer.first(), geom, 1000).get('hourlyPrecipRateGC')
return feat.set(day.format('YYYY-MM-dd'), value)
// Return the FeatureCollection with the new properties set
return temp_ft
}, pts))
//Making a chart
var chart = ui.Chart.feature.byFeature(newft);