To hook on zoom end event is fairly simple: listen to moveend
event and compare old and new zoom:
var currZoom = map.getView().getZoom();
map.on('moveend', function(e) {
var newZoom = map.getView().getZoom();
if (currZoom != newZoom) {
console.log('zoom end, new zoom: ' + newZoom);
currZoom = newZoom;
If you want to catch zoom start, it's more complicated. I found a way but I don't like it, it's not how it should be done. I noticed that exposed method view.animate
is called before any animated map event. I replaced it with my own, where I check for zoom, and then call original method:
view.origAnimate = view.animate;
view.animate = function(animateSpecs) {
if (typeof animateSpecs.resolution !== 'undefined') {
var currZoom = this.getZoom();
var newZoom = this.getZoomForResolution(animateSpecs.resolution);
if (newZoom != currZoom)) {
console.log('zoom start, new zoom: ' + newZoom);
view.on('change:resolution', function() { });
if (map.getView().getZoom()%1 == 0) { }
inside the callbackinteractions: ol.interaction.defaults({ constrainResolution: true }),
as a map option to prevent it