I have a raster (geotiff) and I would like simply to know some parcentile values, specifically the 80th, 85th, 90th and 95th, because I need to highlight all values above these thresholds in QGIS.
First I thought that in Properties --> Style --> Cumulative count cut I had simply to write the percent value in Min or Max boxes (80 and 95 respectively, for example). But I discovered that if I write 80 in the first box or in the second one (next to the cumulative count cut), the value will be different.
So I tried to convert the raster in an Ascii grid, I opened the Ascii with text editor, I copied the cell values and I pasted in an Excel file. I deleted all the no data values (-9999 in my case) and I used the Percentile function in Excel to extract from the resulting matrix my values.
I thought that it would the right way to find the values, but I wanted to be sure, so I used the Max function in Excel just to see if the value was the same to the one I can find in Propreties-->Metadata-->Maximum value.... and the to values were different, so I don't trust in what I did in Excel.
Any help?