I am developing GIS Portal using OpenLayers, I use WFS GetFeature to retrieve some data like bellow:

var layer = map.getLayersByName("pf_trecho_at");
var polygonLayer = new OpenLayers.Layer.Vector("Polygon Layer");
var protocol = new OpenLayers.Protocol.WFS.fromWMSLayer(layer[0], {
                    url: "/geoserver/wfs",
                    featurePrefix: 'light',
                    readFormat: new OpenLayers.Format.GeoJSON(),
                    outputFormat: "JSON",
                    extractAttributes: true
control = new OpenLayers.Control.GetFeature({                   
            protocol: protocol,
            box: true,
            hover: true,
            multipleKey: "shiftKey",
            toggleKey: "ctrlKey"

control.events.register("featureselected", this, function(e) {                  

            this.displayPopup(e, 'pf_trecho_at');
        control.events.register("featureunselected", this, function(e) {


My doubt is, the selection control draw a rectangle to select the features, is it possible to draw a circle to select then?

1 Answer 1


The link below contains an example using an OpenLayers2 DrawFeature control that allows to select features via a circle. It can help using WFS GetFeature to retrieve some datas using polygon or linestring drawing tools ows.js : Ease OGC Web Services (OWS) calls with javascript.

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