I'm writing a plugin that extracts some data from a Postgres database, saves a point shapefile of the data and displays it in QGIS. As part of that process, I want to generate a QML style file.

I have this basically working - with the exception of the label placement. I want the label placed NE (above and right) of the point, offset X=1, Y=0.

I have the following code. It all works - but the label is placed 'Around point' rather than offset up and to the right.

    #Add labels.
    layer_settings = QgsPalLayerSettings()
    layer_settings.fieldName = "gr"
    layer_settings.isExpression = True

    layer_settings.OffsetType = QgsPalLayerSettings.FromPoint
    layer_settings.OffsetQuad = 'NE'
    layer_settings.OffsetXY = '1,0'
    layer_settings.OffsetUnits = QgsUnitTypes.RenderUnit.RenderMillimeters
    layer_settings.enabled = True

    text_format = QgsTextFormat()
    text_format.setFont(QFont("Arial Black", 6))

    labeling = QgsVectorLayerSimpleLabeling(layer_settings)

    # Save the style file for future use in QGIS.
    outputFile = os.path.join(self.SearchOutputFolder, searchCategoryFileName) + '.qml'

I've had to guess how to use OffsetQuad and OffsetXY. I just can't seem to find any documentation on how to call/set them.

1 Answer 1


Probably a duplicate of this question but you could use the following to set up your label placements:

# Placement: Cartographic = 6; Around point = 0; Offset from point = 1
layer_settings.placement = 1
# Quadrant position: QuadrantAboveLeft = 0; QuadrantAbove = 1,...
layer_settings.quadOffset = 2
# Offset X
layer_settings.xOffset = 1.0
# Offset Y
layer_settings.yOffset = 0.0

So your code could look like:

#Add labels.
layer_settings = QgsPalLayerSettings()
layer_settings.fieldName = "gr"
layer_settings.isExpression = True

layer_settings.placement = 1
layer_settings.quadOffset = 2
layer_settings.xOffset = 1.0
layer_settings.yOffset = 0.0
layer_settings.enabled = True

text_format = QgsTextFormat()
text_format.setFont(QFont("Arial Black", 6))

labeling = QgsVectorLayerSimpleLabeling(layer_settings)

# Save the style file for future use in QGIS.
outputFile = os.path.join(self.SearchOutputFolder, searchCategoryFileName) + '.qml'
  • 1
    Thanks @Joseph - that worked great. Where can i find the documentation for this? Commented Jun 20, 2019 at 9:13
  • @SteveGoddard - Most welcome, glad it helped! You can find some information in the class api for QgsPalLayerSettings. You can find some examples here.
    – Joseph
    Commented Jun 20, 2019 at 9:39
  • Great work @Joseph, really appreciate the layer_settings.placement = 1 comments
    – grego
    Commented Nov 26, 2021 at 0:52
  • For future readers ... .placement and .quadOffset do not work with integer anymore: gis.stackexchange.com/a/468518/16141 Commented Apr 27 at 18:28

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