I am trying to create GeoExt action button to fetch the feature info from all the layers. I am still getting the info for my point features but I am getting nothing for the usa:states, that appears in the geoserver by default.
When I looked into the firebug, the html for states does not have anything in it's , http://dpaste.de/NLjzW/. But the species data that I am adding has the contents in the , http://dpaste.de/XR3Ou/. The contents in the body are the result of passing evt.text
param, which is assigned to the html: evt.text
in my addToPopup()
Why is this happening?
I am sorry i forgot to add the addToPopup() function before.
I thought that maybe there was no data in the usa:states layer, but it does have the data. If you click on the polygon in this app,,24.956,-66.97,49.372&width=780&height=330&srs=EPSG:4326&format=application/openlayers
You can see the data in the polygon.