I want to export a strip image in GEE, and the image I want to export looks like: enter image description here

The export code is:

      image: img,
      description: descp,
      scale: 30,
      folder: folder,
      fileFormat: 'TFRecord',
      region: img.geometry(),
      formatOptions: {
        'patchDimensions': [256, 256],
        maxFileSize: 104857600,
        compressed: true,
      skipEmptyTiles: true,

However, when I read the exported tfrecord files, I still get a lot of image patches which are full of zero values. So I'm wondering how can I avoid this kind of situation?

1 Answer 1


Regardless of your roi shape the export happens with the bounding box of your roi with everything outside given value of masked value, 0 in most cases. In case of exporting to TFRecords exports it even adds a few padding to make all the patches consistent so that you don't end up with a 256x10 patch somewhere around the edges. So, its done to follow the data standard and is not something that should be "avoided". This actually ensures that your data remains geo-referenced as TFRecords (and TIFs as well) are actually just matrix of data with the coordinate information on another file (or in metadata for geo-tifs).

  • I see. Thank you for your reply. =)
    – Mr_C
    Commented Aug 13, 2019 at 12:47

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