I have a code that analyze NDVI for any shapfile and then compute the mean and the standard deviation for each image. My goal is to be able to do more calculation with the statistics I have calculated, but seems like because it's a dictionary I can't calculte.
I want to calculate the next things-
- Standard deviation/2
- mean+ (standard deviation/2)
- mean-(standard deviation/2)
I have tried to calculate it by I get ''NaN'' all the time.
this is the code I have written-
* Function to mask clouds using the Sentinel-2 QA band
* @param {ee.Image} image Sentinel-2 image
* @return {ee.Image} cloud masked Sentinel-2 image
function maskS2clouds(image) {
var qa = image.select('QA60');
// Bits 10 and 11 are clouds and cirrus, respectively.
var cloudBitMask = 1 << 10;
var cirrusBitMask = 1 << 11;
// Both flags should be set to zero, indicating clear conditions.
var mask = qa.bitwiseAnd(cloudBitMask).eq(0)
return image.updateMask(mask).divide(10000)
.copyProperties(image, ['system:time_start']);
// Map the function over one year of data and take the median.
// Load Sentinel-2 TOA reflectance data.
var dataset = ee.ImageCollection('COPERNICUS/S2')
.filterDate('2019-06-01', '2019-06-30')
// Pre-filter to get less cloudy granules.
.filter(ee.Filter.lt('CLOUDY_PIXEL_PERCENTAGE', 20))
var rgbVis = {
min: 0.0,
max: 0.3,
bands: ['B4', 'B3', 'B2'],
var clippedCol=dataset.map(function(im){
return im.clip(geometry);
//test if clipping the image collection worked
Map.addLayer(clippedCol.median(), rgbVis, 'RGB');
//function to calculate NDVI
var addNDVI = function(image) {
var ndvi = image.normalizedDifference(['B8', 'B4'])
return image.addBands(ndvi);
//NDVI to the clipped image collection
var withNDVI = clippedCol.map(addNDVI).select('NDVI');
var colorizedVis = {
min: 0.0,
max: 1.0,
palette: [
'FFFFFF', 'CE7E45', 'DF923D', 'F1B555', 'FCD163', '99B718', '74A901',
'66A000', '529400', '3E8601', '207401', '056201', '004C00', '023B01',
'012E01', '011D01', '011301'
//analyze images from image collection collection
var listOfImages = withNDVI.toList(withNDVI.size());
var listOfNumbers =[0];
for (var i in listOfNumbers) {
var image = ee.Image(listOfImages.get(listOfNumbers[i]));
var meanDictionary = image.reduceRegion({
reducer: ee.Reducer.mean(),
var STDDictionary = image.reduceRegion({
reducer: ee.Reducer.stdDev(),
print(i,'mean',meanDictionary,'standard deviation',STDDictionary);
var std2=STDDictionary/2;
My end goal is to be able to classify the image into 3 classes-
- pixels with value that is between mean-std/2 and mean+std/1
- pixels with higher value than mean+std2
- pixels with value that is smaller than mean-std2