I uploaded a shapefile of some points, and I want to extract backscatter values from that points. When I do it, I can't recognize them in the chart using ui.Chart.image.regions
Each point is called as undefined in the plot, instead of its shapefile ID. I can't relate backscatter with the point position.
//This is my script.
var AOI = ee.FeatureCollection("users/PIJ-17-05/Humedal_Pugllohuma7"); //AVAILABLE SHAPES
var drenaje = ee.FeatureCollection("users/PIJ-17-05/Drenaje_Principal"); //AVAILABLE SHAPES
//Define Wetland Validation Zones
var pozos = ee.FeatureCollection("users/PIJ-17-05/pozos"); //AVAILABLE SHAPES
//Load Sentinel-1 SAR collection and filter according to data collection type
var image = ee.ImageCollection('COPERNICUS/S1_GRD')
.filter(ee.Filter.listContains('transmitterReceiverPolarisation', 'VV'))
.filter(ee.Filter.listContains('transmitterReceiverPolarisation', 'VH'))
.filterMetadata('resolution_meters', 'equals' , 10);
//Create DATE Filters
var jun_17 = ee.Filter.date('2017-06-16','2017-06-26');//Se busca 21/06/2017 Se obtuvo 19/06/2017
var jul_17= ee.Filter.date('2017-07-12','2017-07-26');//Se busca 19/07/2017 Se obtuvo 13/07/2017 y 25/07/2017
var ago_17 = ee.Filter.date('2017-08-19','2017-08-29');//Se busca 24/08/2017 Se obtuvo 28/08/2017
var ene_18= ee.Filter.date('2018-01-04','2018-01-14');//Se busca 09/01/2018 Se obtuvo 09/01/2018
var may_18 = ee.Filter.date('2018-05-18','2018-05-28');//Se busca 23/05/2018 Se obtuvo 19/05/2018 y 21/05/2018
var jun_19 = ee.Filter.date('2019-06-16','2019-06-26');//Se busca 21/06/2019 Se obtuvo 21/06/2019
var allSeasonsFilter = ee.Filter.or(jun_17,jul_17,ago_17,ene_18,may_18,jun_19); // Create joint Filter
var allSeasons = image.filter(allSeasonsFilter);
//Make time series of water pixels within region
var ClassChart = ui.Chart.image.series({
imageCollection: allSeasons.select('VV'),
region: AOI,
reducer: ee.Reducer.count(),
title: 'VV Pixels',
hAxis: {'title': 'Date'},
vAxis: {'title': 'Number of Pixels'},
lineWidth: 2
//Set the postion of the chart and add it to the map
position: 'bottom-right',
width: '500px',
height: '300px'
// Create a label on the map.
var label = ui.Label('Click a point on the chart to show the image for that date.');
//Create callback function that adds image to the map coresponding with clicked data point on chart
ClassChart.onClick(function(xValue, yValue, seriesName) {
if (!xValue) return; // Selection was cleared.
// Show the image for the clicked date.
var equalDate = ee.Filter.equals('system:time_start', xValue);
//Find image coresponding with clicked data and clip water classification to roi
var classification = ee.Image(allSeasons.filter(equalDate).first()).clip(AOI).select('VV');
var SARimage = ee.Image(allSeasons.filter(equalDate).first());
//Make map layer based on SAR image, reset the map layers, and add this new layer
var S1Layer = ui.Map.Layer(SARimage, {
bands: ['VH'], //choose a different band than the interest one
max: 0,
min: -20
var visParams = {
min: -10,
max: -14,
palette: ['#FFFFFF','#0000FF']
//Add water classification on top of SAR image
// Show a label with the date on the map.
label.setValue((new Date(xValue)).toUTCString());
//Map Pozos
Map.addLayer(pozos, {color: 'black'} , 'Pozos');
Map.addLayer(drenaje, {color: '#2fced6'} , 'Drenaje');
//First date analysis
var listOfImages = allSeasons.toList(allSeasons.size());
var selection = listOfImages.get(0);
var S1 = ee.Image(selection);
// Pre-define some customization options.
var options = {
title: 'Sentinel 1 histogram',
fontSize: 20,
hAxis: {title: 'backscatter'},
vAxis: {title: 'count of distribution'},
series: {
0: {color: 'blue'},
1: {color: 'green'},
2: {color: 'red'}}};
// Make the histogram, set the options.
var histogram = ui.Chart.image.histogram(S1, AOI, 30)
.setSeriesNames(['VV', 'VH', 'angle'])
// Display the histogram.
var names = ee.List.sequence(1, 18);
//Creates the scatter chart
var Chart1 = ui.Chart.image.regions(S1, pozos, ee.Reducer.mean(), 10,'label')
title: 'Retrodispersión Registrada en Pozos del Humedal Pugllohuma',
vAxis: {title: 'Retrodispersión (dB)'},
pointSize: 4});
Map.addLayer(S1.select('VH'), {min: -26, max: -23, palette:['blue','green']}, 'VH');
Map.addLayer(S1.select('VV'), {min: -14, max: -10, palette:['blue','green']}, 'VV');
Map.addLayer(AOI, {}, 'AOI')
Map.centerObject(AOI, 16.5) //Specify the zoom magnitude
//Map Pozos
Map.addLayer(pozos, {color: 'white'} , 'Pozos');
Map.addLayer(drenaje, {color: '#2fced6'} , 'Drenaje');