See here a reprex
, the key functions are st_make_grid
, st_nearest_feature
and st_distance
. One thing, to make all this work, I need to project the shapes. I used for this example EPSG:3857 for no particular reason, but you have to pay attention to the units on st_crs(yourshape)
, as the grid would use the same unit.
For the reprex
I used countries as zipcodes and cities as bank branches.
#Dummy data
zipcode = ne_countries(
country = c("Germany", "Denmark", "Poland", "Czech Republic", "Austria"),
returnclass = "sf"
) %>% select(adm0_a3)
banks = ne_download(category = "cultural",
type = "populated_places",
returnclass = "sf") %>%
filter(ADM0_A3 %in% zipcode$adm0_a3) %>% select(NAME)
#Need to project shapes, for this example 3857 (m)
zipcode = st_transform(zipcode, 3857)
banks = st_transform(banks, 3857)
# Coordinate Reference System:
# EPSG: 3857
# proj4string: "+proj=merc +a=6378137 +b=6378137 +lat_ts=0.0 +lon_0=0.0 +x_0=0.0 +y_0=0 # # +k=1.0 +units=m +nadgrids=@null +wktext +no_defs"
#Fine grid - adjust as desired, in this case 50,000 m (50kms),
# see st_crs +units
densgrid = 50000
grid = st_make_grid(zipcode, cellsize = densgrid, what = "centers") %>%
#Get nearest
grid.df = st_sf(indexnearest = st_nearest_feature(grid, banks),
geom = grid)
#Get distances
disttopoint = st_distance(grid.df, banks, sparse = FALSE)
mindist = lapply(1:nrow(distances), function(x)
distances[x, grid.df[x,]$indexnearest]) %>% unlist()
grid.df$disttopoint = disttopoint
banks$indexnearest = 1:nrow(banks)
#Bring zipcode, in example is NAME
grid.df = grid.df %>% left_join(st_drop_geometry(banks) %>%
select(indexnearest, NAME))
grid.df %>% st_drop_geometry() %>%
group_by(NAME) %>%
summarise(meandist = mean(disttopoint))
# A tibble: 5 x 2
# NAME meandist
# <chr> [m]
# 1 Berlin 756496.0
# 2 København 1015690.8
# 3 Prague 778736.7
# 4 Vienna 777320.7
# 5 Warsaw 789605.3
#For coloring
nearestbank = factor(grid.df$indexnearest)
ggplot() +
geom_sf(data = zipcode) +
geom_point(aes(colour = nearestbank),
x = st_coordinates(grid.df)[, 1]
y = st_coordinates(grid.df)[, 2]) +
geom_sf(data = banks, col = "red")