What I've done is download the images as tifs from GEE (something you might have to do in pieces given the size). I used the getDownloadURL()
function because it is faster, For larger images use Export.image.toDrive()
As my bands are in separate tifs, I stack them into one tif using rasterio/GDAL
I keep them in the output zip file to save on space.
# Collect path names of the single-band tifs in the folder and
# convert name into a format readable by rasterio.open()
import rasterio
import numpy as np
from zipfile import Zipfile
file_list = []
stack_path = 'C:\Users\stack.tif'
img_file = 'C:\Users\LC08_023036_20130429'
with ZipFile(str(img_file.with_suffix('.zip')), 'r') as f:
names = f.namelist()
names = [str(img_file.with_suffix('.zip!')) + name for name in names]
names = ['zip://' + name for name in names]
for file in names:
if file.endswith('.tif'):
# Read each layer, convert to float and write it to stack
with rasterio.open(stack_path, 'w', **meta) as dst:
for id, layer in enumerate(file_list, start=0):
with rasterio.open(layer) as src1:
dst.write_band(id + 1, src1.read(1).astype('float32'))
As sklearn
requires a 2D matrix, I just reshape it.
The data must be transposed for scikit-image
. See rasterio interoperability
with rasterio.open(str(stack_path), 'r') as ds:
data = ds.read()
# rasterio.read output is (Depth, Width, Height).
data = data.transpose((1, -1, 0))
# Convert GeoTIFF NoData values in the image to np.nan
data[data == -999999] = np.nan
data[np.isneginf(data)] = np.nan
# Reshape into a 2D array, where rows = pixels and cols = features/bands
data_vector = data.reshape([data.shape[0] * data.shape[1], data.shape[2]])
# Remove NaNs
data_vector = data_vector[~np.isnan(data_vector).any(axis=1)]
Although downloading the files is cumbersome, if you create a tif stacking and reshaping pipeline for all of your files the process is greatly streamlined.