I'm trying to use lidR
to range correct the intensity values in my point cloud. I'm running into some trouble with running lasrangecorrection
due to producing an unrealistic range value.
The mean sensor altitude as provided in the las tile metadata is 2260 meters.
The sensor_tracking()
function indicates that the point cloud might be "wrongly populated" - in what way might it be wrongly populated?
The lasrangecorrection()
function suggests checking correctness of sensor position and gps times, but what is considered incorrect?
Warnings and error messages:
lastile <- readLAS("/tmp/u_5370088700_2015.las")
#> class : LAS (LASF v1.4)
#> point format : 6
#> memory : 594.3 Mb
#> extent :537000, 538500, 4887000, 4888500 (xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax)
#> coord. ref. : +proj=utm +zone=18 +datum=NAD83 +units=m +no_defs +ellps=GRS80 +towgs84=0,0,0
#> area : 2.05 km²
#> points : 6.77 million points
#> density : 3.3 points/m²
#> names : X Y Z gpstime Intensity ReturnNumber NumberOfReturns ScanDirectionFlag EdgeOfFlightline Classification ScannerChannel Synthetic_flag Keypoint_flag Withheld_flag Overlap_flag ScanAngle UserData PointSourceID
sensor <- sensor_tracking(lastile)
#> Warning message:
#> 7991 pulses with multiple returns were not actually paired. The point cloud is likely to be wrongly populated. These pulses were removed
range_corrected <- lasrangecorrection(lastile, sensor, 2000)
#> An high range R has been computed relatively to the expected average range Rm = 2106
#> Point number 851196 at (x,y,z,t) = (538442.61, 4888494.26, 548.58, 115043523.41)
#> Matched with sensor between (538020.25, 4888520.48, 2601.76, 115044213.00) and (538020.03, 4888486.40, 2598.99, 115044213.50)
#> The range computed was R = 47387.71
#> Check the correctness of the sensor positions and the correctness of the gpstime either in the point cloud or in the sensor positions.
#> Error: Unrealistic range: see message above
Visualization of sensor positions overlayed with bounding box of las tile:
Bounding boxes for sensor positions and lastile
#> min max
#> X 536890.6 539228.8
#> Y 4886784.4 4888531.6
#> min max
#> x 537000 538500
#> y 4887000 4888500
> lascheck(lastile)
#> Checking the data
#> - Checking coordinates... ✓
#> - Checking coordinates type... ✓
#> - Checking attributes type... ✓
#> - Checking ReturnNumber validity... ✓
#> - Checking NumberOfReturns validity... ✓
#> - Checking ReturnNumber vs. NumberOfReturns... ✓
#> - Checking RGB validity... ✓
#> - Checking absence of NAs... ✓
#> - Checking duplicated points...
#> ⚠ 1474 points are duplicated and share XYZ coordinates with other points
#> - Checking degenerated ground points...
#> ⚠ There were 4 degenerated ground points. Some X Y Z coordinates were repeated.
#> - Checking attribute population... ✓
#> - Checking flag attributes... ✓
#> Checking the header
#> - Checking header completeness... ✓
#> - Checking scale factor validity... ✓
#> - Checking point data format ID validity... ✓
#> - Checking extra bytes attributes validity... ✓
#> - Checking coordinate reference sytem... ✓
#> Checking header vs data adequacy
#> - Checking attributes vs. point format... ✓
#> - Checking header bbox vs. actual content... ✓
#> - Checking header number of points vs. actual content... ✓
#> - Checking header return number vs. actual content... ✓
#> Checking preprocessing already done
#> - Checking ground classification... yes
#> - Checking normalization... no
#> - Checking negative outliers... ✓
#> - Checking flightline classification... yes