I have tried to change the default style of my features, but nothing works. I have a database with the features of my user. These features I add manually to a Vectorlayer. But when i try to edit the style of those features. I have both tried feature.style = selected_polygon_style;
and feature.setStyle(selected_polygon_style);
. The first just doesn't change the style and the second one gives me a "AssertionError: Assertion failed." error.
let vectorSource = new VectorSource({
format: new GeoJSON(),
minScale: 15000000,
strategy: bboxStrategy,
newFeatures.forEach((newFeature) => {
let feature = new Feature({
geometry: new Polygon([newFeature.geometry]),
var selected_polygon_style = {
strokeWidth: 5,
strokeColor: "#ff0000",
fillColor: "#aa2727",
feature.style = selected_polygon_style;
var vector = new Vector({
//minZoom: 13,
source: vectorSource,
this.setInteractionForPlotBoundriesLayer(vector, featureSelected);
vector.set("name", "plotUserBoundriesLayer");
this.plotsExtent = vectorSource.getExtent();
I use React combined with OpenLayers. So the this.map is created like as follows:
createNewMap() {
this.map = this.createMap();
createMap() {
return new Map({
target: null,
layers: [],
view: new View({
center: [594668.0262129545, 6602083.305674396],
maxZoom: 19,
zoom: 14,