I am at my wit's end here!
For a project at work, I am plotting a simple map in Power BI that pinpoints some of our internal utility permitting activity. One of the datasets I have been given appears to have X and Y coordinates, and I was told that the coordinates are in NAD83 Texas North Central. The data set does not have latitude and longitude. I am looking for the python script to change them or even the formula.
Here are some examples of the coordinates (X, Y):
2389721.373 7120786.992
2404093.075 7121270.858
2399450.901 7108775.082
2390198.570 7122950.801
2388505.487 7129711.434
I have tried the following code, but I get lat and lon decimals that are nowhere near where they should be on the map.
conv = 0.3408
x1, y1 = 2389721.373 * conv, 7120786.992 * conv # feet to meters
p2 = Proj('4326', proj="utm", zone=14)
lon, lat = p2(x1, y1, inverse=True)
...which yields:
lat, lon
(21.91704812776455, -95.95674542629739)
# Nowhere near Denton, Texas
Any help would be immensely helpful. For reference, the lat lon points should end up in the Denton, Texas area.