I have a dataframe with multiple columns including SerialNumber, DateTime, GPS latitude and GPS longitude. Background: Tractors marked with Serial numbers are working(driving) on fields, sending data about GPS latitude and longitude every few seconds. Since the data is coming in every few seconds the dataset is huge (few million rows).
I want to group by
my data on SerialNumber and DateTime. Furthermore i want to aggregate
DateTime on lets say 5min, and other features like TotalWorkingHours and AverageFuelConsumption on sum/mean/max
etc. The problem comes with aggregating GPS data
. From GPSLatitude and GPS Longitude i created geometry
column, which is GeoSeries
, and i want to use geometry.apply(lambda x: x.centroid)
for aggregating geometry after group by.
This is my code so far but it is not working:
geometry = [Point(xy) for xy in zip(trac_df.GpsLongitude, trac_df.GpsLatitude)]
crs = {'init': 'epsg:4326'}
gd_trac_df = gpd.GeoDataFrame(trac_df, crs=crs, geometry=geometry)
trac_agg = gd_trac_df.groupby(['SerialNumber', pd.Grouper(key='DateTime', freq='5min')]).agg({
'geometry' : 'apply(lambda x: x.centroid)', #It obviously fails here
#'GPSLongitude' : 'median',
#'GPSLatitude' : 'medain',
'TotalWorkingHours' : 'max',
'Engine_rpm' : 'mean',
'EngineLoad' : 'mean',
'FuelConsumption_l_h' : 'mean',
'SpeedGearbox_km_h' : 'mean',
'SpeedRadar_km_h' : 'mean',
'TempCoolant_C' : 'mean',
'PtoFront_rpm' : 'mean',
'PtoRear_rpm' : 'mean',
'GearShift' : lambda x: ','.join(x.astype(str)),
'TempAmbient_C' : 'mean',
'ParkingBreakStatus' : 'min',
'DifferentialLockStatus' : 'max',
'AllWheelDriveStatus' : lambda x: ','.join(x.astype(str)),
'CreeperStatus' : lambda x: ','.join(x.astype(str))}).reindex(['TotalWorkingHours', 'geometry',
'Engine_rpm', 'EngineLoad', 'FuelConsumption_l_h', 'SpeedGearbox_km_h',
'SpeedRadar_km_h', 'TempCoolant_C', 'PtoFront_rpm', 'PtoRear_rpm',
'GearShift', 'TempAmbient_C', 'ParkingBreakStatus', 'DifferentialLockStatus',
'AllWheelDriveStatus', 'CreeperStatus', 'geometry'], axis=1)
Any suggestions how to deal with aggregating geometry
GeoSeries within group by?
EDIT #2: After using the code, i got the following message:
'SeriesGroupBy' object has no attribute 'apply(lambda x: x.centroid)'