I am facing difficulty in selecting an appropriate equal-area map projection suitable for the geographical extent of Southeast Asia. The main resource I am consulting is Savric et al's paper in 2016 titled 'Projection Wizard – An Online Map Projection Selection Tool' and the accompanying web-based tool ( The geographical extent of Southeast Asia is 92.1892776489258949,-11.0097208023069015 : 141.0117645263674149,28.5432605743409908 (in decimal degrees). I plotted a similar extent at Projection Wizard, and the results show that only one projection is suitable;
Projection details
Equal-area projection for regional maps with an east-west extent
Cylindrical equal-area PROJ.4
Standard parallel: 00º 00' N
Central meridian: 116º 06' E
My question
However, I am not entirely sure how to use this result. It sounds like this means I will have to create my own custom projection (using the standard parrallel and central meridian identified by Projection Wizard) in PROJ4 program, which I am not familiar with yet.
Is there an EPSG projection equivalent that achieves similar results?
C:\>projinfo EPSG:8859
PROJ.4 string: +proj=eqearth +lon_0=150 +x_0=0 +y_0=0 +datum=WGS84 +units=m +no_defs +type=crs