I am using OpenLayers 6 vector source and bbox loading strategy.

this.source = new VectorSource({
  format: new EsriJSON(),
  strategy: bbox,
  loader: this.loader(layer)

So, when I open tha app first, it appears in 14 zoom level. The data is loading at first. But when I zoom in, the data does not refresh? My ArcGIS Server serves maximum 1000 feature in an extent. When I zoom in, the other unloaded data should be load and map data should be refresh. But does not work. Why?

  • 1
    I've never worked with EsriJSON format, but if you look at official example openlayers.org/en/latest/examples/vector-esri.html, you'll see that bbox is constructed in custom loader function.
    – TomazicM
    Commented Jul 20, 2020 at 15:27
  • THe format may be GeoJSON or else. But the problem is same. I need to load features while zooming in.
    – barteloma
    Commented Jul 21, 2020 at 5:57

1 Answer 1


All the predefined loading strategies have the same problem - once an extent is loaded any extents fully contained by it will also be considered loaded. You will need a custom strategy which removes those extents, which is best done based on the logic for a tile strategy https://github.com/openlayers/openlayers/blob/main/src/ol/loadingstrategy.js#L41

  strategy: function(extent, resolution) {
    const tileGrid = createXYZ({
      tileSize: 512
    const z = tileGrid.getZForResolution(resolution);
    const tileRange = tileGrid.getTileRangeForExtentAndZ(extent, z);
    const extents = [];
    const tileCoord = [z, 0, 0];
    for (
      tileCoord[1] = tileRange.minX;
      tileCoord[1] <= tileRange.maxX;
    ) {
      for (
        tileCoord[2] = tileRange.minY;
        tileCoord[2] <= tileRange.maxY;
      ) {
    if (z > tileGrid.getMinZoom()) {
      const tileRange = tileGrid.getTileRangeForExtentAndZ(extent, z - 1);
      const tileCoord = [z - 1, 0, 0];
      for (
        tileCoord[1] = tileRange.minX;
        tileCoord[1] <= tileRange.maxX;
      ) {
        for (
          tileCoord[2] = tileRange.minY;
          tileCoord[2] <= tileRange.maxY;
        ) {
    return extents;

Compare the effect of zooming in and getting more detail in https://codesandbox.io/s/vector-esri-64j7f with the original example https://openlayers.org/en/latest/examples/vector-esri.html which uses the standard strategy.


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