I've been teaching myself ESRI ArcObjects in C# over the past few weeks, I'm still very new in the ArcObjects world.
All of our data is in an Enterprise geodatabase on a MS SQL Server database. I've been able to open the SDEWorkspace, iterate through said workspace datasets and eventually come to the feature class. I get the IFeatureCursor, iterate through that, find the IFeature object that I want to query via comparing the OID and then cast its IGeomertry Shape to IPoint, IArea whatever it is and pullout coodinants and fiddle with them.
I do have this problem where users will create new objects throughout that day but they will be inaccessable until they post and the database is compressed. I know how the versioning all works on a database level, but I don't know how to get that latest data out of the geodatabse before a post.
I can however find the SHAPE value ID within the version tables of the database, is there a fast way to just jump to a IGeometry Shape class if I know the Shape ID thats listened from within the database table.
For example I have a point feature class that has a SHAPE number of 9291884. Can I go straight to that somehow?
Alternatively, I can see the 'image' binary data stored in the points column in the database table, can I read that in and just cast it to an IPoint? Is that possible?