I am trying to calculate NDVI using two clipped raster images of Landsat 7 (NIR & Red Bands clipped using mask file) using the following code:
import rasterio as rio
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
with rio.open(r'D:\clip_test_b3.tif') as src:
red = src.read(1) # (Rows, Columns) = (2731, 3660)
with rio.open(r'D:\clip_test_b4.tif') as src:
nir = src.read(1) # (Rows, Columns) = (2730, 3635)
np.seterr(divide = 'ignore', invalid = 'ignore')
ndvi = (nir.astype(float) - red.astype(float))/(nir + red)
In the above code both the bands (Red & NIR) are of different shapes (different rows and columns). After running the above code I am getting message "ValueError: operands could not be broadcast together with shapes (2730,3635) (2731,3660) ".
But when same NDVI calculation I am trying to do in ArcMap (using Raster Calculator), then NDVI is getting calculated.
Can someone please help me out in solving out this error.
code, you're getting different sized outputs. And alsorio info
outputs for the pre-clip dataset/s.