First of all, I have exported a layer style from a layer as a QML file including draw effects (symbology --> layer rendering --> draw effects) in symbology. Note that, I have checked all the categories while saving it (see below image).

enter image description here

Then, I have changed the values in the field which I have configured a Graduated Symbology with. Then I tried to load the QML file with loadNamedStyle(). It did not change the legend and classes automatically. Therefore, I have tried a few things to automatically update that.

field = 'SPREAD'
stylepath = '/path_to_my_layer_style.qml'
layer = iface.activeLayer()
renderer = layer.renderer()
sym = renderer.sourceSymbol()
grad = renderer.sourceColorRamp()
renderVal = renderer.createRenderer(layer,field,5,0,sym,grad)

It worked. However, the effects in that QML file has disappeared after that. I also do not think this is the best way to do that. Is there a more convenient way to classify the symbology with new values after loading QML file in PYQGIS?

  • 1
    Sorry they are not called 'special effects' at all. I do not know why I have written like that :) The thing I was trying to indicate is in the symbology --> layer rendering --> draw effects.
    – meteergen
    Commented Dec 15, 2020 at 17:39

1 Answer 1


Ok, I found a solution. Here is how I did,

renderer = layer.renderer()

renderer.updateClasses(layer,0,5) # Update the QgsGraduatedSymbologyRenderer.mode and set the classes up to 5
renderer.updateRangeLabels() # Update label range
renderer.updateColorRamp() # Update the color ramp
iface.layerTreeView().refreshLayerSymbology(layer.id()) # Refresh legend on the interface

With this way, symbology is being triggered to classify again for the determined parameters and also the symbol effects does not disappear.

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