I need a coordinate grid per country, 0.08 degrees (?) apart from each other. It looks like this:

enter image description here

I would want the coordinates of the intersections. Instead of a perfect rectangle, I would want it to stop at the border of a specific country. Is there any way I can get an array of coordinates this way?

I have made a Python script myself which just makes the rectangle bigger than the country itself, but this isn't the best way.

def get_coords(top_left, bottom_right):

coord = [top_left[0], top_left[1]]
lat = top_left[0]
lon = top_left[1]
coord = [lat, lon]
coords = []
while True:
    index = 0
    if lat > bottom_right[0]:
        lat = coord[0] - 0.08
        if lon < bottom_right[1]:
            lon = coord[1] + 0.08
            lat = top_left[0]

    coord = [lat, lon]
return coords

Any tips or solutions?

  • What GIS software are you using? What does your code attempt look like?
    – PolyGeo
    Commented Mar 3, 2021 at 19:20
  • Oh wait, maybe I posted in the wrong stackexchange. I thought this was just for general geographical questions, not a particular software. Is this still relevant?
    – Pοlatic
    Commented Mar 3, 2021 at 19:27
  • We have a gis-principle tag for theoretical questions but for those no software should be mentioned or sought.
    – PolyGeo
    Commented Mar 3, 2021 at 19:48

1 Answer 1


The standard approach to this problem is to first create a grid for the extent and then eliminate the grid geometries which do not intersect with the geometry of the country. You can use any gis software package, as the intersects and contains conditions are common use cases. Shapely library could be useful for this.

Example (note I changed your [lat, lon] format to [lon, lat]:

from shapely.geometry import MultiPolygon, Polygon, box, MultiPoint, Point
from shapely import wkt

def get_geometries(top_left, bottom_right, spacing=0.08):
    polygons = []
    points = []
    xmin = top_left[0]
    xmax = bottom_right[0]
    ymax = top_left[1]
    y = bottom_right[1]
    i = -1
    while True:
        if y > ymax:
        x = xmin

        while True:
            if x > xmax:
            #components for polygon grid
            polygon = box(x, y, x+spacing, y+spacing)

            #components for point grid
            point = Point(x, y)
            i = i + 1
            x = x + spacing

        y = y + spacing
    return polygons, points

polygons, points = get_geometries((14, 54), (24, 49), 0.5)

##country_geom is a shapely polygon with country boundaries
country_geom = wkt.loads('POLYGON((17.564247434051406 54.446991320181255,16.311806027801406 54.061910892199705,15.575722043426405 53.37933926382691,15.377968137176405 52.79871812523439,15.575722043426405 51.98076121960815,15.619667355926405 51.15448239676194,16.696327512176406 50.94037053252475,17.871864621551406 50.47422670556861,18.761757199676406 50.27102433369101,21.54709245171919 50.3018762188395,22.28317643609419 50.31590902034586,23.19504167046919 51.019189209157204,22.65671159234419 52.08481472438036,22.79953385796919 52.86108007657073,22.48237015280161 53.76537437170607,22.24067093405161 54.11458487224089,20.402314605750536 54.24318115411181,18.908173980750536 54.09526092933704,18.007295074500536 54.396969300395,17.564247434051406 54.446991320181255))')

intersecting_polygons = []
intersecting_points = []
for polygon in polygons:
    if polygon.intersects(country_geom):

for point in points:
    if country_geom.contains(point):

polygon_grid = MultiPolygon(intersecting_polygons)
point_grid = MultiPoint(intersecting_points)

#grids are shapely geometries. You can output them as WKT format

First grid:

enter image description here

Fake country boundaries (didn't want to bother with finding the actual ones so I drew something on the map):

enter image description here


enter image description here

Result (polygon version):

enter image description here

  • Damn, this is exactly what I need! Thank you so much!
    – Pοlatic
    Commented Mar 4, 2021 at 11:57
  • Also, do you know where to get the actual country borders? It doesn't need to very precise, a polygon like your example will do just fine :)
    – Pοlatic
    Commented Mar 4, 2021 at 12:21
  • Here for example: hub.arcgis.com/datasets/a21fdb46d23e4ef896f31475217cbb08_1 Commented Mar 4, 2021 at 12:39
  • You will probably need to play around with some GIS software to extract the boundaries (they are in SHP format). If you encounter new problems, make a new question. If you need only approximate boundaries, then you can check out arthur-e.github.io/Wicket/sandbox-gmaps3.html, draw the boundaries yourself and paste the wkt polygon in the code I gave you. Commented Mar 4, 2021 at 12:40
  • Finally, please accept the answer if it was useful :) Commented Mar 4, 2021 at 12:40

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