I'm trying to make a Folium Choropleth map. But I'm stuck for long time on completing it. My map shows boundaries correctly, even shows legend correctly but the map is not filled with choropleth colors.
I'm running my code on Jupyter Notebook. I have combined the geopandas dataframe and pandas dataframe as df_mergeplz
My simple code is
plzchoromap = folium.Map(location = [50.935173,6.953101],tiles='cartodbpositron',zoom_start = 11)
data = df_mergeplz,
columns=["Postal Code","Population"],
fill_opacity = 0.3,
my JSON file looks like
"displayFieldName": "NUMMER",
"fieldAliases": {"OBJECTID": "OBJECTID","NUMMER": "Postzustellbezirk (Nr.)"},
"geometryType": "esriGeometryPolygon",
"spatialReference": {"wkid": 4326,"latestWkid": 4326},
"fields": [
{"name": "OBJECTID","type": "esriFieldTypeOID","alias": "OBJECTID"},
{"name": "NUMMER","type": "esriFieldTypeString","alias": "Postzustellbezirk (Nr.)","length": 5}
"features": [
{"attributes": {"OBJECTID": 16,"NUMMER": "51065"},
"geometry": {"rings": [[[7.0088577711265421,50.964379468107985],,,....,]]}
{"attributes": {"OBJECTID": 18,"NUMMER": "50823"},
"geometry": {"rings": [[[6.9339208198918785,50.96181483933605],,,....,]]}
I want to use the parameter NUMMER
inside features.attributes.NUMMER
But passing features.attributes.NUMMER
throws error that
~/opt/anaconda3/envs/ML1env/lib/python3.8/site-packages/folium/folium.py in get_by_key(obj, key)
285 def get_by_key(obj, key):
286 return (obj.get(key, None) if len(key.split('.')) <= 1 else
--> 287 get_by_key(obj.get(key.split('.')[0], None),
288 '.'.join(key.split('.')[1:])))
~/opt/anaconda3/envs/ML1env/lib/python3.8/site-packages/folium/folium.py in get_by_key(obj, key)
285 def get_by_key(obj, key):
--> 286 return (obj.get(key, None) if len(key.split('.')) <= 1 else
287 get_by_key(obj.get(key.split('.')[0], None),
288 '.'.join(key.split('.')[1:])))
AttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'get'
I have referred several other posts which primarily showed correction on key_on parameter. I doubt I am missing something obvious here. Summary:
key_on = feature.NUMMER #outputs unfilled folium map
key_on = feature.attributes.NUMMER #throws error.
Can someone please let me know what is the right key_on parameter for me or a guide on how to play with JSON object to find the correct key_on parameter.
Just to add on my df_mergeplz
looks like below:
OBJECTID NUMMER geometry minx miny maxx maxy Unnamed: 0 Postal Code City Administrative Region Population Area Area Codes Neighborhoods Latitude Longitude
0 1 50769 POLYGON ((6.84866 51.08444, 6.84873 51.08420, ... 6.772530 51.007784 6.973939 51.084964 15 50769 Cologne North Rhine-Westphalia 63970 44.800 2203, 221 Chorweiler 51.046949 6.877612