I have managed to create a script that passes the users lat and lon to a postgres query that finds the nearest 5 pubs to a users location.
However, on execution I realised no matter what lat and long I used the closets 5 points would always be within the Isle of Scilly, realising this I realised that the SRID for the script was still 2700 for the British national grid. Upon changing this to 4326 though I received a mixed SRID error
Operation on mixed SRID geometries The script for this is:
//knn query
$knn1 =
"SELECT jsonb_build_object(
'type', 'FeatureCollection',
'features', jsonb_agg(feature))
SELECT jsonb_build_object(
'type', 'Feature',
'geometry', ST_AsGeoJSON(st_transform(geom,4326),4)::jsonb,
'properties', to_jsonb(row) #omits#
) AS feature
FROM (SELECT #fields# FROM #table# as K, st_geomfromtext('point(#location#)',4326) ORDER BY st_distance(K.geom, st_geomfromtext('point(#location#)',4326)) LIMIT 5) row) features;";
//replace placeholders
$knn2 = str_replace("#table#", $ktable, $knn1);
$knn3 = str_replace("#fields#", $fields, $knn2);
$knn4 = str_replace("#location#", $Loc, $knn3);
$knn5 = str_replace("#omits#", $geom, $knn4);
//execute query
if (!$response = pg_query($conn, $knn5)) {
ChromePhp::error("*KNN script failed*");
//return data
while ($row = pg_fetch_row($response)) {
foreach ($row as $i => $attr){
echo $attr;
with #location#
replaced with the $Loc
variable which is the location passed through using ajax
Image shows ChromePHP logs showing that the lat and long are successfully passed to the script