I am trying to read NetCDF4 files from data developed by Toshicika Iizumi (https://doi.pangaea.de/10.1594/PANGAEA.909132) on global crop yields. I would like to turn the data into a form that is readable by ArcGIS Pro since ArcGIS doesn't recognize the NetCDF4 format.

I am reading the file with xarray like this...

import rioxarray
import xarray
fn = ".../yield_2012.nc4"
xds = xarray.open_dataset(fn)

The output looks like this

There doesn't seem to be any information on the projection.

How can I turn this into a raster or GeoTIFF for use in ArcGIS Pro?

  • Did you try the 'Make netCDF Raster Layer' tool in the geoprocessing section? This way ArcGIS Pro can convert and thus read the file. see: pro.arcgis.com/en/pro-app/latest/tool-reference/multidimension/…
    – Carlos
    Commented Apr 26, 2021 at 17:03
  • I tried import arcpy fn = "yield_2016.nc4" arcpy.MakeNetCDFRasterLayer_md(fn, "var", "lon","lat","yield") but it doesn't seem like that worked. I also tried the geoprocessing tool and I can't see the nc4 file format in the directory.
    – Atreya Dey
    Commented Apr 26, 2021 at 17:09
  • The output should be in the default geodatabase if you run your command. Did you check there?
    – Carlos
    Commented Apr 26, 2021 at 17:25
  • If you wish to also ask about QGIS then please do that in a separate question.
    – PolyGeo
    Commented Apr 26, 2021 at 21:32
  • 1
    Does this answer your question? Converting NetCDF dataset array to GeoTiff using rasterio Python
    – snowman2
    Commented Apr 27, 2021 at 0:29


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