I am using the Copernicus Global land cover layers:CGLS-LC100 collection 3 data set. I want to reclassify the value of the lulc for my application. Map is showing but when I want to reclassify the problem encounter is lulc1.eq is not a function.

// lulc
var lulc1 = ee.ImageCollection("COPERNICUS/Landcover/100m/Proba-V-C3/Global")
var properties = lulc1.propertyNames();
print('Metadata properties:', properties);
// print(lulc1.bandNames())

Map.addLayer(lulc1, {min: 0, max: 200, palette: ['#282828', '#FFBB22','#FFFF4C'
,'#8D7400','#A0DC00','#929900   ','#648C00','#000080']}, "Land Cover")

var lulcreclass = ee.Image(1).where(lulc1.eq(0).and(lulc1.eq(50)), 9)//**problem encounter in this lin**e
           .where(lulc.gt(50).and(lulc.lte(100)), 6)
           .where(lulc.gt(100).and(lulc.lte(150)), 4)
 Map.addLayer(lulcreclass,{},"LULC RECLASS")

1 Answer 1


The variable lulc1 is an image collection with 5 elements (images between years 2015 and 2019). If you want to reclassify it, it is preferable to map entire collection with a function. Following code fix up your issues and add your image collection to the Map View of GEE.

// lulc
var lulc1 = ee.ImageCollection("COPERNICUS/Landcover/100m/Proba-V-C3/Global")


var properties = lulc1.propertyNames();
print('Metadata properties:', properties);
// print(lulc1.bandNames())

Map.addLayer(lulc1, {min: 0, 
                     max: 200, 
                     palette: ['#282828', '#FFBB22','#FFFF4C','#F096FF','#FA0000',
                     "Land Cover");

var lulcreclass = lulc1.map(function (img) {
  return ee.Image(img)
    .where(img.eq(0).and(img.eq(50)), 9)
    .where(img.gt(50).and(img.lte(100)), 6)
    .where(img.gt(100).and(img.lte(150)), 4);


Map.addLayer(lulcreclass, {min: 0, 
                     max: 200, 
                     palette: ['#282828', '#FFBB22','#FFFF4C','#F096FF','#FA0000',
                     "LULC RECLASS");

This can be observed in following picture with the same palette used in lulc1.

enter image description here

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