I try to update a geometry point with data from another table (also a geometry point). Both are SRID 4326. The query is executing without errors, everything is updated but the geometry is just not updated.
Do I have to transform first to lat lng and then back again? Is it not possible to use a geometry type? I don't get it at the moment.
UPDATE location
location_name = import_ogr.location_name,
location_category_id = import_ogr.location_category_id::INTEGER,
position_geo = import_ogr.wkb_geometry
FROM importexport.import_ogr
WHERE location.location_id = 23017;
geometry is not null? If it was a format/type issue, an error would have been thrown. Since other fields are updated, it means that either the source geometry is null or that there is a trigger on thelocation
table that prevents geometry update.import_ogr
table, the query is using a random row for the update