I'm reclassifying a DEM asset into 6 categories. However, there are some pixels that don't meet my criteria and are null. I would like to find a way to fill these gaps depending on its area and its neighbor's values.

My current workflow is the following:

  • Get the inverse mask
  • Clump pixels
  • Identify groups that met the area criteria
  • Apply a morphological max filter (10 iterations) within the masked area, and
  • Add bands and reduce by the max category.

Although my code is working and it's doing what I want, it is causing memory issues when working with bigger areas and with a high-res scale. I've been seen that the most memory-consuming step is the morphological filter and the 10 fixed iterations sometimes are not enough to fill all the gaps, is there an alternative to do this?.

A code snippet can be found here:


var test_image = ee.Image("users/dfgm2006/categorical_ranges");
// Fill gaps using the surrounding pixels

var inverse = test_image.unmask().not().eq(1).selfMask()

var connected = inverse.connectedComponents({
  connectedness: ee.Kernel.plus(1),
  maxSize: 128
var connected_size = connected.select([connected.bandNames().get(0)])
    maxSize: 128, 
    eightConnected: false 

var connected_area = ee.Image.pixelArea()
var fill = test_image.focalMax( 1,'square','pixels',10)

var filled = test_image.addBands(fill)


This is the expected result.

enter image description here


1 Answer 1


Have you considered using focalMode instead of Max? Ran into a similar problem today and it worked like a charm.

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