I am using GeoServer 2.19, and I have a wind coverage view from a grib file (uwnd,vwnd components), and I want it to become a wind speed raster layer.

When I preview it with a raster style, I realised that the color of raster just draw with only uwnd component, not the value of wind speed value(sqrt(uwnd^2 + vwnd^2)).

I saw rendering-transform can do what I want(something like value transform?!), but the example on it is not my needs. (I just need a raster layer of wind speed value, neither wind barbs nor wind arrows)

so I tried to edit it, then it doesn't worked.

My SLD style:

    xsi:schemaLocation="http://www.opengis.net/sld ./StyledLayerDescriptor.xsd">
                    <ogc:Function name="Categorize">
                        <!-- Value to transform -->
                        <ogc:Function name="sqrt">
                            <ogc:Function name="Categorize">
                                <!-- Value to transform -->
                                <ogc:Function name="sqrt">
                            <ColorMap type="ramp">
                                <ColorMapEntry color="#f9f9f9" quantity="0" label="0m/s"/>
                                <ColorMapEntry color="#d860aa" quantity="2" label="2m/s"/>
                                <ColorMapEntry color="#9757cc" quantity="4" label="4m/s"/>
                                <ColorMapEntry color="#5774cc" quantity="6" label="6m/s"/>
                                <ColorMapEntry color="#57cccc" quantity="8" label="8m/s"/>
                                <ColorMapEntry color="#aacc57" quantity="10" label="10m/s"/>
                                <ColorMapEntry color="#ccc457" quantity="12" label="12m/s"/>
                                <ColorMapEntry color="#cc8b57" quantity="14" label="14m/s"/>
                                <ColorMapEntry color="#cc5757" quantity="16" label="16m/s"/>
                                <ColorMapEntry color="#775046" quantity="18" label="18m/s"/>
                                <ColorMapEntry color="#000000" quantity="20" label="20m/s"/>

Error message:

code="internalError"Rendering process failed. Layers:wind-2020-11-23
Don't know how to handle the results of the transformation, the supported result types are FeatureCollection, GridCoverage2D and GridCoverage2DReader, but we got: class java.lang.String

Is anyone have experience of it?


1 Answer 1


I found the solution to the above problem using ras:Jiffle script as follows:

  <ogc:Function name="ras:Jiffle">
    <ogc:Function name="parameter">
    <ogc:Function name="parameter">
        u = src[0];
        v = src[1];
        dest = sqrt(u*u+v*v) * 0.01;               
      <ColorMapEntry color="#5E70B4" quantity="0" opacity="1.0"/>
      <ColorMapEntry color="#3B68A1" quantity="1" opacity="1.0"/>
      <ColorMapEntry color="#4078A5" quantity="2" opacity="1.0"/>              

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