I have a project on QGIS 3.16 with several layouts. I would like to change the scalebar width according to the value of a Python variable, either a fixed sized of 1000 or 500 units (for instance).

First, I tried to do it without the Python variable, by using the value of 1000 units. I think the following code I use try to create a new scalebar, instead of calling the existing one. Here, the name of the actual layout is 'cumul_eoliennes':

(once the QGIS projet is opened)

project = QgsProject.instance() 
projectLayoutManager = project.layoutManager()
composeur_eol = 'cumul_eoliennes'
layout_eol= projectLayoutManager.layoutByName(composeur_eol)

 # scalebar.height() gives the default value of 3 mm

The last code gives :

TypeError: QgsLayoutItemScaleBar.setFixedSize(): argument 1 has unexpected type 'int

In conclusion, I meet two problems:

  • it seems I am not able to call the actual scalebar of a layout
  • I don't know how to change the "FixedSize" of a scalebar

[EDIT about the FixedSize] I am looking for the scalebar fixed size function like below:

enter image description here

1 Answer 1


This line in your code: scalebar=QgsLayoutItemScaleBar(layout_eol) is creating a new QgsLayoutItemScaleBar object. This is not the way to access an existing scale bar object. In order to do that you can do something like:

scale_bar = [i for i in layout_eol.items() if isinstance(i, QgsLayoutItemScaleBar)][0]

Which works fine if you only have one scale bar in your layout. Alternatively, you could use the method itemById().

For your second problem, the setFixedSize() method takes a QgsLayoutSize() argument. The QgsLayoutSize() class constructor takes width and height arguments as well as a units argument which defaults to QgsUnitTypes.LayoutMillimeters.

Try the following:

project = QgsProject.instance() 
projectLayoutManager = project.layoutManager()
composeur_eol = 'cumul_eoliennes'
layout_eol= projectLayoutManager.layoutByName(composeur_eol)
scale_bar = [i for i in layout_eol.items() if isinstance(i, QgsLayoutItemScaleBar)][0]
scale_bar.setFixedSize(QgsLayoutSize(100, 20))
  • Excellent solution to access an existing scale bar! Thank you. However, I realize the function to change scalebar width is not FixedSize which is the one of the box containing the scale bar. I have edited my post with a screenshort of the function I am looking for. I assume first I have to set up the size mode to "fixed size" using scale_bar.setSegmentSizeMode(0). But then, how I can change the width value?
    – Remi79
    Commented Oct 7, 2021 at 14:39
  • 1
    Try scale_bar.setUnitsPerSegment(1000) (tested, so it should work) You can play manually with your units in the GUI and then use scale_bar.unitsPerSegment() to confirm.
    – ThomasG77
    Commented Oct 7, 2021 at 17:06
  • Perfect! Thank you very much for your help. Last question regarding the initial goal: how shoud I write the Python variable associated to this value (e.g. 1000)? I tried: scale_width='1000' and scale_bar_eol.setUnitsPerSegment(scale_width) but I got an error about "str" type. I tried with simple and double quotes too... I guess this is basic Python but I am newby.
    – Remi79
    Commented Oct 8, 2021 at 6:55
  • Just 1000 with no quotes, exactly as per @ThomasG77's comment. The method takes a double as argument which in C++ is a datatype which holds numerical data e.g. not a string! So passing an integer value in the Python bindings works fine.
    – Ben W
    Commented Oct 8, 2021 at 7:16
  • I think I missed something on the first place, since no quotes works fine indeed: scale_width=1000 and scale_bar_eol.setUnitsPerSegment(scale_width). Thanks!
    – Remi79
    Commented Oct 8, 2021 at 7:42

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