I added a time dimension slider to a leaflet map to display a series of points in a range of time. This is the code:
var mymap = L.map('mapid', {
zoom: 3,
center: [50.4, 10.7],
keyboard: false,
timeDimension: true,
timeDimensionOptions: {
timeInterval: startDate + "/" + endDate ,
period: "P30D"
var timeDimension = mymap.timeDimension;
var player = new L.TimeDimension.Player({
transitionTime: 100,
loop: false,
}, timeDimension);
var timeDimensionControlOptions = {
player: player,
timeDimension: timeDimension,
position: 'bottomleft',
autoPlay: false,
minSpeed: 1,
speedStep: 0.5,
maxSpeed: 15,
timeSliderDragUpdate: true
var timeDimensionControl = new L.Control.TimeDimension(timeDimensionControlOptions);
updateTimeDimension: true,
addlastPoint: true,
waitForReady: true
I would like to move the sliderbar cursor also with keyboard arrow keys as well as mouse or play button. Is there a way to do this? This is an example of my map.