Here's how to get a subset of a large geopackage layer if you can do a simple filter by attribute:
This layer has 149 features:
> p = st_read("flu.gpkg","localauth",quiet=TRUE)
> dim(p)
[1] 149 4
Suppose that layer is too big to read without crashing my computer, but I only want the features where the population is over 1 million. I can use this SQL query expression, and only get back 7 features:
> p = st_read("flu.gpkg",query="select * from localauth where pop2016 > 1000000", quiet=TRUE)
> dim(p)
[1] 7 4
which is a spatial object as expected:
> p
Simple feature collection with 7 features and 3 fields
Geometry type: MULTIPOLYGON
Dimension: XY
Bounding box: xmin: 330453.6 ymin: 89700.1 xmax: 640168.7 ymax: 482748.7
Projected CRS: unnamed
CODE NAME pop2016 geom
1 E08000025 Birmingham 1124569 MULTIPOLYGON (((399306.1 27...
2 E10000012 Essex 1455340 MULTIPOLYGON (((575268.1 18...
3 E10000014 Hampshire 1360426 MULTIPOLYGON (((431521.1 90...
4 E10000015 Hertfordshire 1176720 MULTIPOLYGON (((503035.8 19...
5 E10000016 Kent 1541893 MULTIPOLYGON (((633197.5 15...
6 E10000017 Lancashire 1198798 MULTIPOLYGON (((338034.1 43...
7 E10000030 Surrey 1176549 MULTIPOLYGON (((500486.3 17...
Note that the SQL is run at the GDAL driver level, so the query is done by efficient code that doesn't have to load all the data in. If the column you are querying on has a database index, it could also be really quick.
If you want to get a quick look at a large geopackage layer, just read the first few rows:
> p = st_read("flu.gpkg",query="select * from localauth limit 5", quiet=TRUE)
> p
Simple feature collection with 5 features and 3 fields
Geometry type: MULTIPOLYGON
Dimension: XY
Bounding box: xmin: 350784.7 ymin: 152770 xmax: 551943.8 ymax: 413058.6
Projected CRS: unnamed
CODE NAME pop2016 geom
1 E09000002 Barking and Dagenham 206460 MULTIPOLYGON (((543732.7 18...
2 E09000003 Barnet 386083 MULTIPOLYGON (((528648.4 19...
3 E08000016 Barnsley 241218 MULTIPOLYGON (((416179.2 39...
4 E06000022 Bath and North East Somerset 187751 MULTIPOLYGON (((379810.8 16...
5 E06000055 Bedford 168751 MULTIPOLYGON (((497192.9 24...
You can also use various spatial SQL functions in the query. Maybe I only want large polygons:
> p = st_read("flu.gpkg",query="select * from localauth where st_area(geom) > 5000000000", quiet=TRUE)
> p
Simple feature collection with 6 features and 3 fields
Geometry type: MULTIPOLYGON
Note st_area
here is not the R function of the same name!
I think you can possibly do complex spatial intersection tests in the query here, for example if I had another layer of rivers in the same geopackage, I think I could select areas that have a given river running through, using an SQL query, all running in the driver code and without the overhead of reading all the package into R.
in order to limit which features you read in. So if you've got a known filter step you want to apply to the data you can do it with that. You can probably use this to limit the columns read in too. Or install more memory!sf
doing this query and why can it do it if I can't do the same thing in R?