I have Leaflet GeoJSON point layer that I buffer with turf and add to the map. The code works well but I want to add the point attributes to the polygon layer but I am unsure of how to do to that. Anyone can run this code in the console if they have a an app with Leaflet and turf
var all_day=L.layerGroup();
$.getJSON("https://earthquake.usgs.gov/earthquakes/feed/v1.0/summary/all_day.geojson", function(data) {
L.geoJSON(data, {
onEachFeature: function(feature,layer){
layer.bindPopup('<b>Magnitude</b>= '+feature.properties.mag+'<br>'+
'<b>Place</b>= '+feature.properties.place+'<br>');
var magnitude=feature.properties.mag;
var place=feature.properties.place;
var buffed=turf.buffer(feature.geometry,magnitude*10)
L.geoJSON(buffed, {
onEachFeature: function(feature,layer){
layer.bindPopup('<b>Magnitude</b>= '+magnitude+'<br>'+
'<b>Place</b>= '+place+'<br>')
I saw something like this answer https://stackoverflow.com/questions/35760126/leaflet-draw-not-taking-properties-when-converting-featuregroup-to-geojson/35819611#35819611 but it didn't work for me and its kind of clunky.