i'm would like to display GPS traces (not only a position) in realtime on OpenLayers. What is the most efficient way to do it? Sending KML or GPX files to browser or sending data via GeoJSON?
br d
i'm would like to display GPS traces (not only a position) in realtime on OpenLayers. What is the most efficient way to do it? Sending KML or GPX files to browser or sending data via GeoJSON?
br d
check out this map animation example SBB Network Simulator. I think that's pretty good for your needs. as @Sunil pointed out that GeoJSON would help you for huge datas. actually i dont think that geojson or kml make problem for you but browser restrictions. all your format which you havee mentioned that data interchangable format for mapping issues which are widely used by gis people.
i hope it helps you...
It really doesn't matter, the transport payload will be the same, rendering will have to suffer according with the method you will choose. I would go for straigh rendering via OL and if the trace becomes too complicated, I would simplify it (with Douglas–Peucker algorithm for example)