I'm trying to generate separate files from the layers of a NetCDF downloaded from ECMWF's Copernicus data archive (https://cds.climate.copernicus.eu/cdsapp#!/dataset/reanalysis-era5-single-levels).
I can open the file in python and clearly see the values I want in each layer which I expect to be between 0 and 1:
>>> import netCDF4 as nc
>>> fn = "ecmwfGrab_S_.nc"
>>> ds = nc.Dataset(fn)
>>> ds['tcc'][:][0]
data=[[0.97147217, 0.9679472 , 0.962469 , 0.9503071 , 0.94968146,
0.91046427, 0.881822 , 0.8939076 , 0.89589135, 0.90016404,
0.91324152, 0.92880632, 0.93549002],
[0.99909205, 0.99724564, 0.99724564, 0.99546027, 0.99546027,
0.98633502, 0.98633502, 0.98908175, 0.98908175, 0.99134017,
0.99134017, 0.99343074, 0.99187426],
[0.99999237, 0.99999237, 0.99999237, 0.99999237, 0.99999237,
0.99999237, 0.99999237, 0.99999237, 0.99999237, 0.99999237,
0.99999237, 0.99825277, 0.991859 ]],
When I try to get a seperate raster using gdal_translate:
gdal_translate -of AAIGrid -b 1 NETCDF:"ecmwfGrab_S_.nc":tcc test.txt
I get the following values in my test.txt file:
30897 30666 30307 29510 29469 26899 25022 25814 25944 26224 27081 28101 28539
32707 32586 32586 32469 32469 31871 31871 32051 32051 32199 32199 32336 32234
32766 32766 32766 32766 32766 32766 32766 32766 32766 32766 32766 32652 32233
The following is the gdalinfo output for the first band:
Band 1 Block=13x1 Type=Int16, ColorInterp=Undefined
NoData Value=-32767
Unit Type: (0 - 1)
Offset: 0.499996184895262, Scale:1.5259604007058e-05
long_name=Total cloud cover
units=(0 - 1)
What is wrong in my use of gdal_translate?
gdalinfo NETCDF:"ecmwfGrab_S_.nc":tcc
output. You may need to force Float32 values