This sounds like a timeseries+geospatial kind of question rather than just a pure spatial question. I'm guessing that this is GPS data and you're trying to locate the start/end points of repeated journeys. Kind of like finding the home/warehouse locations from multiple GPS tracks.
Seeing as how it's repetitive over each day I'd first create a CTE (Common table expression) that contains the track segments and then cluster those start/end locations for each track per day:
WITH tracks AS
date(timestamp) as date,
ST_MakeLine(point ORDER BY timestamp) AS track
FROM my_table
GROUP BY device_id, date(timestamp)
ST_ClusterDBSCAN(ST_StartPoint(track), eps := 0.5, minpoints := 5) over () AS start_cluster_id,
ST_ClusterDBSCAN(ST_EndPoint(track), eps := 0.5, minpoints := 5) over () AS end_cluster_id,
FROM tracks
You could also split up the tracks CTE by speed, distance from start, gaps in time or something else. Will depend on your data. You might also want to combine start and end points into a single set for clustering. Whether or not this works for you would depend on what you're trying to do, and what dataset you're using. I'm just hoping that included some timeseries thinking here would help.
'ed Points.