I use this part of code to make all layers selectable:

this.selectFeaturesClick = new Select({
  style: selectFeatureStyle,
  condition: click,
  multi: false,
  filter: (feature: FeatureLike) => {

    return (
      !this.drawingService.editFeaturePoint &&
      feature.getGeometry().getType() !== LayerType.point

The issue is I got all layers selected after click. How to make only top layers selected? This console.log(feature); showesme two messages by count of visible layers.

1 Answer 1


Either specify the layer in the layers option

  layers: [topLayer],

or test the layer in the filter function

  filter: (feature, layer) => {
    return (
      !this.drawingService.editFeaturePoint &&
      feature.getGeometry().getType() !== LayerType.point &&
      layer === topLayer

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