I am trying to create this GeoServer layer style:
Obviously I can't achieve this by using shape://slash with PerpendicularOffset since that produces the following:
I have found previous Q&As like Using Math in SLD file - wkt which suggested to use custom geometry defined with wkt://LINESTRING but when I try it, the particular geometry does not render at all.
Is it only possible to use WKT geometry with a GraphicFill instead of GraphicStroke or what am I doing wrong?
<WellKnownName>wkt://LINESTRING(0 0, ${sin(Orientation) * 200} ${cos(Orientation) * 200})</WellKnownName>
<CssParameter name="stroke">#DC33FF</CssParameter>
<CssParameter name="stroke-width">2</CssParameter>
defined somewhere? try using that expression as a label to see if it is evaluating correctly