I would like to know what I am missing in my code. I am trying to use the layer’s colors that I have loaded in GeoServer, called "dpv_cal", and this has three categories: white, purple and red, but in my webmap the line shape doesn’t appear. I have read Leaflet documentation about GeoJSON and I have tried to follow it but I don't know why it's not working.

In other case, when I put a color like ‘black’ in my code it works ok and I can see the shape correctly whit this color, for example:

selectedArea = L.geoJson(data,{
       style: function (feature) {
        return {color: ‘black’};

But how I can add my own style, an SLD uploaded to GeoServer, to this WFS request?

***This is my code:***
//Geoserver Web Feature Service
  type: 'GET',
  data: {
    service: 'WFS',
    version: '1.1.0',
    request: 'GetFeature',
    typename: '...:...',
    srsname: 'EPSG:4326',
    outputFormat: 'text/javascript',
  dataType: 'jsonp',

// the ajax callback function
function handleJson(data) {
    selectedArea = L.geoJson(data,{
       style: function (feature) {
        return {color: feature.properties.dpv_cal}; **//This is the part that doesn't seem to be working**
      onEachFeature: function(feature, layer){

The line that refers to onEachFeature works fine too. I previously made a WMS request which also works great.

I found another similar posts that refers to WFS, but they aren't useful for this case that is more simple.

  • What are the values of feature.properties.dpv_cal property?
    – TomazicM
    Commented Nov 8, 2022 at 17:20
  • 2
    WFS just sends you the raw data not the styled map
    – Ian Turton
    Commented Nov 8, 2022 at 18:11
  • @TomazicM these are 'Natural', 'Paved' and 'Improved', three values. Commented Nov 9, 2022 at 11:09
  • I have corroborated what you say @IanTurton. I solved my problem by assigning specific colors to each value of 'features.properties.dpv_cal' within the code. I should ask a new question about how to make a request from my SLD to my code. Thanks. I don't know how to mark your answer as correct. Commented Nov 9, 2022 at 11:12
  • 1
    If you open your question and go at the bottom, you'll see button Answer your question.
    – TomazicM
    Commented Nov 10, 2022 at 14:45

1 Answer 1


I just made and Ajax callback that has three categories to symbolize my GeoJSON. It works:

var geojson = new L.geoJson(data, { 
 style: function (feature) { 
      var c; 
       switch (feature.properties.dpv_cal) { 
        case 'Natural': 
        c = '#ffffff'; 
        case 'Mejorada':
        c = '#db6adb'; 
        case 'Pavimentada': 
        c = '#ff0127'; 
        c = 'grey'; 
       return {color: c, opacity: 1, weight: 2}; 

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