I'm trying to define the SRS EPSG::3857 inside Terrasolid software. I ran into a problem because the definition of the reference ellipsoid is given with a major axis and inverse flattening, not via both axis. Since flattening of a sphere is 0, inverse of a zero is infinite and I can't input that. Doesn't work with a 0, 1 or some very high value either. Any thoughts on how to define it, and if its even possible?
The issue is, a sphere (reference body for EPSG::3857) is a kind of ellipsoid that has no flattening, hence you cannot define 1/flattening. I'm looking for a workaround in this particular software, or just a confirmation that its in fact impossible to do at this point, since I cannot define datum that involves a sphere as a reference body.
Here's a screenshot of the datum input screen: