I am currently working on a code to apply a variety of different changes to layers with certain attributes, I have been successful with this so far (thanks to Peter). However I now want to add a text box to this so the user can enter the name of the field they want labeling (as this is the only thing differs in the .TABs I intend to use this tool for).
I have currently created a dialog box for the user to input this however when it comes to labeling (I assume), MapInfo is looking for a field with the same name as my string to label with, instead of looking at what is stored there.
For example
Dim sLabinput As String
Set Map Window nMID
Layer nLayer
Display Global Global Line (2,2,16711680)
Arrows On
Label With sLabinput Auto On Visibility On
Font ("Arial",257,9,0,16777215)
I haven't put the rest of the code as I want to try and learn this myself however if that is the only way to solve it I can post it.
Am I right in assuming in this instance MapInfo is looking for a field called sLabinput, rather than the value stored in there?
Thanks, Alan