I have a linestring in SRID 4326 in my table. I would like to know which tiles the linestring crosses regarding a zoom level on OpenStreetMap. The solution found here looks to come close. Use PostGIS to get Web Mercator tiles covering a polygon
But the problem with the given answer, is that the coordinates do not match the z/x/y coordinates that a tileserver is using.
I'm still learning about different projections, it might be that that's where its going wrong?
Let's say I would like to have the coordinates for zoom level 14, This would be the SQL I'm running.
-- parameter injection, for convenience
zoom(lvl, csize) AS (
VALUES ( 14, (2*PI()*6378137)/POW(2, 14) )
-- subdivide your polygons to minimize per-geometry vertex count
poi AS (
id, sdv AS geom
<poistable> AS ply,
ST_Transform(ply.geom, 3857),
) AS sdv
WHERE id='<id>'
-- get all covering tile indices for each POI
t.id AS poi_id,
(grid.i, grid.j, z.lvl) AS index
zoom as z,
poi AS t,
LATERAL ST_SquareGrid(z.csize, t.geom) AS grid
-- filter for those that actually intersect any of the subdivisions
ST_Intersects(t.geom, grid.geom)
-- return uniques only; much faster than a DISTINCT for multi-column
t.id, (grid.i, grid.j, z.lvl)
But where i'm hoping to get tiles from the netherlands around(z=14 x=8480 y=5319), i'm getting (i=293 j=2875 z=14).
Is using a different SRID and size for st_squaregrid the solution. Working with a size of 0.022 (length of tile at zoomlevel 14 according to https://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Zoom_levels) and SRID 4326 gives the same results...