I'm using GeoTools WFS package to update features in GeoServer. I don't have any problem with updating literal attributes, but when I tried to modify the geometry of features I got the following error from the log of tomcat:
org.geoserver.wfs.WFSException: Invalid value for property the_geom
I'm using following snippet of code to modify features:
String wkt = "POINT(30 40)";
GeometryFactory geometryFactory = JTSFactoryFinder.getGeometryFactory();
WKTReader reader = new WKTReader(geometryFactory);
Geometry jtsGeometry = reader.read(wkt);
Name geoname = featureStore.getSchema().getGeometryDescriptor().getName();
Transaction transaction = new DefaultTransaction("update");
featureStore.modifyFeatures(geoname, jtsGeometry, filter);
Also I used FeatureWriter library and I got the same error as well.