I want to build a custom Toolbar with Plugin Builder 3 for QGIS. I managed to create the necessary folders and files and I can load my UI into QGIS:

The UI looks very simple with only two buttons like this:

Pushbutton1 Pushbutton 2

There is a point layer in QGIS and I want both buttons to work with this layer. The AttributeTable of the point layer consists of elements like: ID, class, description

  • If I press Pushbutton1 and click at a location on the map canvas I want to create a new feature in the point layer that belongs to class A

  • If I press Pushbutton2 and click at a location on the map canvas I want to create a new feature in the point layer that belongs to class B

Here is what I tried so far:


# Import necessary modules
from qgis.core import *
from qgis.gui import *

# Define a function to add a new feature to the layer
def add_feature():
    # Get the active layer
    layer = iface.activeLayer()
    # Get the layer's feature count
    count = layer.featureCount()
    # Create a new feature
    feature = QgsFeature(layer.fields())
    feature.setGeometry(QgsGeometry.fromPointXY(QgsPointXY(0, 0)))
    feature.setAttribute('ID', count + 1)
    feature.setAttribute('class', 'class_entry1')
    # Add the feature to the layer
# Create a new button in QGIS
button = pushButton1('Add Feature')

# Connect the button to the add_feature function

# Add the button to the QGIS toolbar

The code is for only one button so far to test it, but if I run the code nothing happens, I don't even get any errors that help me find a solution. Once the code works, I just want to repeat it for the 2nd button. I also don't know how I can change the code that the user can define a point by clicking at the canvas.

1 Answer 1


You should create a widget with two QPushButton on it, and then call show() to display the widget:

btn1 = QPushButton('Add Feature for Layer1')
btn2 = QPushButton('Add Feature for Layer2')
gui = QWidget()
vbl = QVBoxLayout()

# Define a function to add a new feature to the layer
def add_feature():
    # add your code here

Run this code in your QGIS python editor. Now you can test it by checking the message given in the LogMessages>Python Error Window:

enter image description here

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